Pourquoi nous?

KifProd, c'est avant tout une aventure artistique qui reflète notre passion et notre engagement envers l'excellence visuelle. À travers KifProd, nous souhaitons transformer chaque instant en une œuvre d'art intemporelle, en capturant vos souvenirs les plus précieux grâce à notre expertise en vidéographie, photographie, et nos expériences en cabine vidéo à 360°. Notre objectif est de sublimer votre histoire et de libérer la puissance de l'excellence visuelle, pour que chaque moment devienne une expérience inoubliable.

La vie est-elle trop courte pour ne pas immortaliser chaque instant de manière extraordinaire ?
Working led lightning system view from the back with white background on a movie set

Notre Histoire

Découvrez les débuts de KifProd, comment notre passion pour l'excellence visuelle et la créativité nous a menés là où nous sommes aujourd'hui. Apprenez comment nous avons surmonté les défis et célébré nos réussites pour devenir un leader dans la production visuelle.



Hakim ben kemla

Hello all! I am Derrick, the Creative area co-founder and . I was born in Fortuna, CA in the winter of 1985 to two loving, caring parents. Before I came along, my parents were partnering in a business and buying their own home. About the time I made my debut, mom and dad made a choice to help someone they loved out of a bad situation, but instead of being able to help, they were pulled in themselves. The following three years were the darkest of their lives. During that time, they lost the business and the house, leaving my mom, dad, big sis, bub, and me living in a pickup camper. A month later, we lost that too.

Nos Valeurs


Chaque client est unique, et nous croyons que chaque projet doit refléter cette individualité. Nous travaillons en étroite collaboration avec nos clients pour comprendre leurs besoins et créer des solutions sur mesure qui surpassent leurs attentes.

Intégrité et Transparence

 La confiance est au cœur de toutes nos relations professionnelles. Nous agissons avec intégrité et transparence, en communiquant ouvertement avec nos clients et en respectant toujours nos engagements.

Excellence Artistique

Nous nous engageons à fournir des œuvres visuelles de la plus haute qualité. Chaque projet est une opportunité de démontrer notre passion pour l'art et notre dévouement à l'excellence.

Collaboration et Esprit d'Équipe

Nous croyons en la puissance de la collaboration. Notre équipe est notre plus grande force, et nous valorisons l'esprit d'équipe, le respect mutuel et le soutien collectif pour atteindre nos objectifs communs.


Lydia A. Woodbury

UI Designer
Hello all! I am Derrick, the Creative area co-founder and . I was born in Fortuna, CA in the winter of 1985 to two loving, caring parents. Before I came along, my parents were

Vanessa H. Moss

Android Developer
Hello all! I am Derrick, the Creative area co-founder and . I was born in Fortuna, CA in the winter of 1985 to two loving, caring parents. Before I came along, my parents were

Rosalie C. McKeehan

iOS Developer
Hello all! I am Derrick, the Creative area co-founder and . I was born in Fortuna, CA in the winter of 1985 to two loving, caring parents. Before I came along, my parents were

Rosalie C. McKeehan

iOS Developer
Hello all! I am Derrick, the Creative area co-founder and . I was born in Fortuna, CA in the winter of 1985 to two loving, caring parents. Before I came along, my parents were

Roy E. Baker

Tech Lead
Hello all! I am Derrick, the Creative area co-founder and . I was born in Fortuna, CA in the winter of 1985 to two loving, caring parents. Before I came along, my parents were

Roy E. Baker

Tech Lead
Hello all! I am Derrick, the Creative area co-founder and . I was born in Fortuna, CA in the winter of 1985 to two loving, caring parents. Before I came along, my parents were

Eleanor R. Reed

Graphic Designer
Hello all! I am Derrick, the Creative area co-founder and . I was born in Fortuna, CA in the winter of 1985 to two loving, caring parents. Before I came along, my parents were

Roy E. Baker

Tech Lead
Hello all! I am Derrick, the Creative area co-founder and . I was born in Fortuna, CA in the winter of 1985 to two loving, caring parents. Before I came along, my parents were